Want free gifts on your birthday? Yea, of course you do.

Set up your Online Store


  • Your GiftLocal online store is where customers will discover and purchase gift cards for your business. Customize your store with your logo, image, and colors to match your brand. 

  • Once set up, you can plug your Store URL right into your website, opening your online store today. 

  • Click here to watch a video tutorial on setting up your online store or read ahead for step by step.

Step 1: Create your Online Store

Go into your "Store Settings" to create or edit your online store.

To create, click "Set Up Your Online Store"

online store

To add or edit your online store in the future, you can use the green key at the bottom of your dashboard.

Arrow Store Settings

Step 2: Customize your Appearance

Here you can customize your online store and view your store URL for your website.

Choose your color scheme, add your logo and an image that will live in the header of your online store.

online store customize img

Click Save!

Here is an asset guide for customization (showing desktop and mobile view):


Accent ColorNeed Hex Codei.e. #AAAAAA.No
Background ColorNeed Hex Codei.e. #AAAAAA.No
Hero Image1100px x 175pxDisplay width will be fluid based on screen size.Yes
Logo Image400px HeightFrom 1x1 to 2x1 ratio (ie 400 x 400px to 800 x 400px).Yes

Step 3: Add URL to your Website

Work with your web developer or website manager to add a "Gift Card" or "Send a Gift" button to the header of your website.

Drop the URL provided in your online store in so that anyone anywhere can buy a gift card at your business, 24/7.

website button

Step 4: Customize your Gift Cards

To customize the design of the digital gift card received by recipients, please email preferred images and color selections to team@giftlocal.com.

Image Specs:


Accent ColorNeed Hex Codei.e. #AAAAAA.No
Background ColorNeed Hex Codei.e. #AAAAAA.No
Card Balance Text ColorNeed Hex Codei.e. #AAAAAA. Will overlay Card Accent Graphic.No
Card Accent Graphic500px x 500pxWill be centered with fluid width and text overlayed.No
Hero Image1100px x 175pxDisplay width will be fluid based on screen size.Yes
Logo Image400px x 400pxYes