Want free gifts on your birthday? Yea, of course you do.

Join the Movement

Join multiple gift card marketplaces today. The increased distribution will drive you increased gift card sales and more new customers.

Sign Up for Free
1 platform - 4 solutions to grow your business View All Programs

How it works

Consumers are purchasing over $100 Billion in gift cards every year. Increased distribution of your brand and gift card is the key
to increased sales.


Signing Up

Simply register to participate on this program and you will be automatically added to multiple distribution channels including giftlocal.com and more.

Training your Staff

From your admin dashboard you can generate test gift cards to use with managers or during pre-shift to train your staff. Staff training typically takes only 5 minutes.

Gift Card Validation

Every gift card (digital or printed) has a gift card code directly on it. The business simply types the gift card code into your POS to validate and tender.

If you choose a free gift account without POS integration you can quickly verify and redeem the gift card from our redemption app or website.


Gift card tender

Open the check you wish to close on your POS. Choose the Gift Card tender key and type in the gift card code. The value of the gift card will be applied to the balance.

If you choose a free account without POS integration you can add a “non-cash” tender key also known as a “house account” or “city ledger” to manually tender the verified gift card value.


Join the Movement.

For local owner operated business & companies focused on supporting their community.


Get paid 80% of Gift Card Value

Compatible with any POS

No Chargebacks. Guaranteed

Explore and compare our other programs

Choose one or more that's right for your business.


National Directory

Get discovered by millions of consumers looking to GIFT LOCAL and support local businesses like yours.

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Sell Your Own

Business Gift Card

Start selling your own eGift cards from your website, your social media pages and from our national directory.

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Birthday Loyalty Program

This is the best customer acquisition program available to your business.

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Promo Gift Card Program

Use Promo gift cards to drive off peak hour business and repeat visits.

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